The Waterloo SCRIPT GMLHTML Layout

First Author's Name Last Author's Name First Address Line


This is the body of the abstract. The abstract will begin on the same page as the title-page material with some layouts, and at the top of a new page with others.

First Preface Heading

This is the body of this preface. The first preface will begin on the same page as the abstract material with some layouts, and at the top of a new page with others.(1)

Level-Two Heading in the Front Material

The following is an endnote.[1]

Last Preface Heading

Note that you can title a preface whatever you want, and that if you don't supply heading text, it will be titled ';Preface';.

Figure 1 below demonstrates that a figure can occur in the front material.

|                                                                 |
|  body of figure                                                 |
|                                                                 |
Figure 1: This is the Figure | | Caption. And this is the figure description, additional text | | amplifying the figure caption. It should be as terse as you | | can make it. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

First Level-Zero Heading

A reference to an endnote [ 1]. Some funny characters: Æsop wrote some fables©. This sentence should only appear if the document is processed for HTML. This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before the start of a new paragraph.

This is the first sentence of a new paragraph. This is the last sentence before a heading.

First Level-One Heading

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.

First Level-Two Heading

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.

First Level-Three Heading

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.

First Level-Four Heading

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.
First Level-Five Heading
This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.
First Level-Six Heading
This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.

This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page
(1) The layouts in the thesis and manual categories cause the abstract, preface, and all other level-one headings to begin at the top of a new page.
after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading. This forces text to the next page after a previous level-one heading.

Another Level-One Heading

Long Quotations

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a long quotation.
This is the first sentence of a long quotation. This is the last sentence of a long quotation.
This is the first sentence after a long quotation.

Footnotes and Endnotes

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the text immediately before the footnote,(2) and this is the text immediately after the footnote. This is the text immediately before the endnote,[2] and this is the text immediately after the endnote. This is the last sentence before a heading.

Second Level-Zero Heading

Figures and Tables

Figure 2 below shows the layout of a figure in the main-body material.

|                                                                 |
|  body of figure                                                 |
|                                                                 |
Figure 2: Figure Caption. The | | figure description is additional text amplifying the figure | | caption. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

(2) This is the first sentence of a footnote. This is the last sentence of a footnote.

Appendix A: First Appendix, Showing Figure and Table Examples

Figure 3 below shows the layout of a figure.

|                                                                 |
|  body of figure                                                 |
|                                                                 |
Figure 3: Figure Caption | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

An example of the layout of a table is shown in Table 1.

|                                                                 |
|   Table 1:   Table Caption            |
|                                                                 |
|  The table description is additional text amplifying the        |
|  caption.                                                       |
|                                                                 |
|  body of table                                                  |
|                                                                 |

Appendix B: Second Appendix Heading

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.

Level-Two Heading in an Appendix

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.

Level-One Heading in Back Material

This is the first sentence after a heading. This is the last sentence before a heading.(3) Endnotes can also occur in the back material.[3]

Figure 4 below shows the layout of a figure in the back material.

|                                                                 |
|  body of figure                                                 |
|                                                                 |
Figure 4: Figure Caption | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

Positioning the Endnotes

The endnotes defined earlier in this document are printed below.

Sample Index

appendix ... 2 back material ... 4 endnotes ... 4 body ... 1 endnotes ... 2, see 'back material' figures ... 2 footnotes ... 2 heading levels 0 to 6 ... 1 long quotation ... 2 tables ... 3 front material ... i abstract ... i preface ... i tables of contents ... i title page ... i


(3) With most layouts, the back material will start at the top of a new page, even if the level-one headings thereafter do not.



Tables 1. Table Caption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3