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SAS(r) System for Statistical Graphics,
First Edition
by Michael Friendly
SAS System for Statistical Graphics is a book in
the series of statistical applications guides published by SAS
Institute. This book shows how to apply the SAS system to produce
meaningful displays of statistical data. It emphasizes displays that
reveal aspects of data not easily captured in numerical summaries or
tabular formats and diagnostic displays that help determine if
assumptions of an analysis are met. It is intended for users with
basic to intermediate levels of experience with SAS software and
statistics. It can also be useful to experienced SAS programmers who
want to refine their use of statistical graphics and to researchers
who want to apply modern methods of statistical graphics to their
The book contains almost 250 displays (over 50 in color),
constructed with base SAS, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/IML and SAS/QC software.
The SAS programs for most of the figures are explained. A collection
of 15 graphical methods are implemented as general SAS macro programs
which can be used with any set of data. The macro programs are
available on diskette to purchasers of the book through the Book
Sales Department and are also available via anonymous FTP from
The most current versions of these programs are maintained
at sssg/.
The book and macro program diskette are available through the Book
Sales Department. You can place an order by telephone, by fax, by mail,
or via the World Wide Web.
SAS Institute
Book Sales Department
SAS Campus Drive
Cary, NC 27513
telephone orders: (919) 677-8000
fax orders: (919) 677-8166
WWW orders: www.sas.com
ISBN 1-55544-441-5 Order Number C56143 ($44.95)
Advantages of plotting data; The roles of graphics in data
analysis; Psychological principles of data display; Graphical
standards for data display; Strategies for graphical data
analysis; Data sets.
Histograms and bar charts; Stem and leaf displays; Boxplots; Dot
Plotting theoretical statistical distributions; Bivariate normal
distribution; Histogram smoothing and density estimation; Quantile
plots; Plots for assessing symmetry.
Simple scatterplots; Labelling observations; Interpolated curves
and smoothings; Enhanced scatterplots; Plotting discrete data;
Displaying a third variable on a scatterplot; Three-dimensional
Plotting data, regression curves, and confidence limits;
Regression with several groups; Validity of assumptions: plotting
residuals; Partial regression plots; Multiple regression response
surface; Plots of C(P) against P for variable selection;
Regression with geographic data.
Quantile comparison plots for pairs of distributions; Comparative
boxplots; Diagnostic plots for equalizing variability.
Plotting means in a one-way design; Plotting means for two-factor
designs; Plotting interactions; Repeated measure designs;
Displaying two-way tables for n=1 designs; Plotting power curves
for ANOVA designs.
Glyph plots; Draftsman's display and scatterplot matrix; Star
plots; Profile plots; Andrews function plots; Biplot: plotting
variables and observations together.
Assessing multivariate normality; Detecting multivariate outliers;
Plotting principal components and component scores; Discriminating
among groups.
Rectangular displays; Correspondence analysis.
macro; DENSITY macro; DOTPLOT macro; LOWESS macro; NQPLOT macro;
macro; TWOWAY macro.