SAS Macro Programs for Statistical Graphics: LOWESS

$Version: 2.2 (26 Jan 2005)
Michael Friendly
York University

LOWESS macro ( [download] get

The LOWESS macro performs robust, locally weighted scatterplot smoothing as described in "Section 4.4.2". The data and the smoothed curve are plotted if PLOT=YES is specified. The smoothed response variable, residuals, and observation weights are returned in the output data set named by the OUT= parameter. An optional output ANNOTATE= data set can also be produced, which may be used to apply the lowess smoothing in a more complex plotting application.

As of Version 2.1, the LOWESS macro will use PROC LOESS if running under Version 7 of the SAS System. This makes the macro much faster, particularly for large data sets. For use with SAS 6.12 or earlier, use the STEP= parameter to control the number of data points at which the local regressions are computed.


Name of the input data set.
X = X
Name of the independent (X) variable.
Y = Y
Name of the dependent (Y) variable to be smoothed.
Name of an optional character variable to identify observations.
Name of the output data set. The output data set contains the X=, Y=, and ID= variables plus the variables _YHAT_, _RESID_, and _WEIGHT_. _YHAT_ is the smoothed value of the Y= variable, _RESID_ is the residual, and _WEIGHT_ is the combined weight for that observation in the final iteration.
F = .50
Lowess window width, the fraction of the observtions used in each locally-weighted regression. A larger window width makes the curve smoother, but may lead to lack of fit. Values of F > 1 are allowed.
P = 1
Degree of the locally-weighted regressions. P=1 gives linear fits, appropriate when the data do not have several peaks and valleys; P=2 gives quadratic fits, which are useful when they do.
Total number of iterations.
Specifies whether to perform robustness re-weightings, which decrease the weights for observations with large residuals in the next iteration. Set ROBUST=0 to suppress the robust calculations. For binary dependent variables, the robustness step is usually not performed.
[Version 7+ only] Specifies the significance level for confidence intervals about the smoothed curve. Use CLM=0.05 for 95% confidence intervals.
Step for successive X values. By default, the macro performs the locally-weighted regression at each X[i], which can be computationally intensive for moderately large data sets. Setting STEP > 1 causes the macro to perform the regression at every STEP-th value of the index i, and to use predicted values from that regression for intermediate points. It is recommended to specify a STEP value at least n/100 for moderate to large sized datasets.
Specifying PLOT=YES, draws both a printer plot and a high-resolution plot. You may wish to change the default values of the PLOT, GPLOT or PPLOT options to suit your taste.
Draw the plot? If you specify PLOT=YES, a high-resolution plot is drawn by the macro.
Draw a printer plot? If you specify PPLOT=YES, a printer plot is drawn by the macro.
Plotting symbol used for points
Height for axis labels and values
Height for point symbols
colors for points and smooth curve
Line style for the smooth curve
The name of an AXIS statements for the horizontal axis
The name of an AXIS statements for the vertical axis
Name of output ANNOTATE= dataset which draws the smoothed lowess curve. This dataset is produced only if the OUTANNO= name is specified.
Name of an optional input ANNOTATE= data set, which is concatenated to the OUTANNO= data set.
The name assigned to the graph in the graphic catalog.

Missing data

Any observations with missing data on the X or Y variables are removed before finding the lowess fit.

Usage Note

Under some older versions of the SAS System, it may be neccessary to add the option WORKSIZE=100 to the PROC IML statement.


This example plots gas mileage (MPG) vs weight, with a smoothed lowess curve showing a (slight) nonlinear dependence of mileage on weight. The plot is drawn by the macro from the OUT=SMOOTH data set. An output ANNOTATE= data set is also produced.
title 'Auto data with lowess smoothing';
%include data(auto);
%include macros(lowess);
%lowess(data=auto,out=smooth, x=weight, y=mpg, 
    id=model, htext=2,
    f=.4, plot=YES, 
    colors=blue red, outanno=lowess);