SAS Macro Programs for Statistical Graphics: STARS

$Version: 1.7 (21 Dec 2005)
Michael Friendly
York University

STARS macro ( [download] get

The STARS macro draws a star plot of the multivariate observations in a data set, as described in "Section 8.4". Each observation is depicted by a star-shaped figure with one ray for each variable, whose length is proportional to the size of that variable. Each variable is scaled from 0 to 1. The STD= option permits the variables to be standardized to a given mean and standard deviation before this scaling. The SORTBY= option allows the observations to be sorted by a variable or a statistic. The VORDER= option allows the order of variables around the star to be rearranged according to their values on a given principal component.

Missing data

Observations with missing values can be assigned a default ray length or deleted from the stars plot.


Name of the data set to be displayed.
List of variables, in the order to be placed around the star, starting from angle=0 (horizontal), and proceeding counterclockwise.
Character observation identifier variable (required).
Standardizes the variables first to given mean and (optionally) a given standard deviation. STD=0 standardizes to mean=0; STD=0 1 standardizes to mean=0, std=1.
Sorts the observations by a variable in the data set, or a statistic calculated across all variables in the VAR= list. If the SORTBY= value end in a '.', it is assumed to be the name of a statistic. For example SORTBY=SUM. sorts by the total of scaled values for all variables.
If VORDER=PRINn, the order of the VAR= variables is rearranged according to the values of the n-th principal component. VORDER=PRIN1 is often a good choice.
Minimum ray length, 0<=MINRAY<1.
Number of stars across a page.
Number of stars down a page. If the product of ACROSS and DOWN is less than the number of observations, multiple graphs are produced.
Specifies the color used to draw individual observations, either as a quoted string constant, or the name of a variable in the input data set (but don't use COLOR=COLOR !).
Specifies the ray length to be used when an observation has a missing value. Specify MISSING = . (a period) to have observations with missing values deleted.


The font used for text labels is controled by the FTEXT= setting. The HSIZE= and VSIZE= options should be used to scale the graph so that the individual stars are approxmately the same height and width.


%include data(auto);
%include macros(stars) ;
data auto;
   set auto;
   length clr $8;
   price = -price;                  /* change signs so that large  */
   turn  = -turn;                   /* values represent 'good' cars*/
   gratio= -gratio;
        when ('A') clr='RED    ';
        when ('E') clr='BLUE   ';
        when ('J') clr='GREEN  ';
   var = gratio  turn  rep77  rep78  price    mpg
         hroom rseat  trunk weight length displa,
   across=6, down=6, color=clr