catplot Plots for logit models fit by PROC CATMOD catplot

SAS Macro Programs: catplot

$Version: 1.4-2 (01 Oct 2009)
Michael Friendly
York University

The catplot macro ( [download] get

Plots for logit models fit by PROC CATMOD

The catplot macro is designed to plot observed and/or predicted values for logit models fit by the CATMOD procedure. The macro uses the output data set produced with the OUT= option on the RESPONSE statement. This data set normally contains both logit values (_type_='FUNCTION') and probability values (_type_='PROB'). Either set may be plotted, as specified by the TYPE= parameter.

The horizontal variable may be character (XC=) or numeric (X=). A separate curve is drawn for each value of the CLASS= variable, connecting predicted values, with optional standard error bars, and separate plots are drawn for each value of the BYVAR= variable.


The catplot macro is called with keyword parameters. The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas. For example:

 proc catmod;
        direct husinc;
        response / out=logits;
        model labour = husinc children; 
 %catplot(data=logits, x=husinc, y=_pred_, class=labor, byvar=children);


The name of the SAS dataset to be plotted, which must be an output data set from PROC CATMOD. If DATA= is not specified, the most recently created data set is used.
Name of a numeric factor variable to be used as the horizontal variable in plots. Use the XC= parameter to specify a character variable. You must specify either the X= or XC= variable.
Name of a character factor variable used as the horizontal variable in plots.
Name of the ordinate variable. Y=_PRED_ plots the predicted value; Y=_OBS_ plots the observed value.
The name of a factor variable, used to define separate curves which are plotted for each level of this variable.
Name of one or more factor variables to be used to define multiple panels in plots.
Name of a SAS format used to format the value of BYVARs for display in one panel of the plot(s).
The type of oobservations to be plotted. TYPE=FUNCTION (the default) gives plots of the logit value; TYPE=PROB gives plots of the probability value.
Standard error multiple for confidence intervals around predicted values, e.g., Z=1.96 gives 95% CI. To suppress error bars, use Z=0. The default is Z=1, giving 67% CI.
Name of a SAS format used to format the value the CLASS= variable for display in each panel of the plot(s).
Specifies whether the values of the CLASS= variable should be labelled by annotation in the plot or by a legend. If CLSIDE=LEFT or CLSIDE=FIRST, CLASS= values are written at the left side of each curve. If CLSIDE=RIGHT or CLSIDE=LAST, CLASS= values are written at the right side of each curve. If CLSIDE=NONE, CLASS= values appear in the legend.
Name of a SAS format used to format the values of the horizontal variable.
Name of an additional input annotate data set
List of SAS/GRAPH symbols for the levels of the CLASS= variable. There should be as many symbols as there are distinct values of the CLASS=variable.
List of SAS/GRAPH colors for the levels of the CLASS=variable. There should be as many colors as there are distinct values of the CLASS=variable.
List of SAS/GRAPH line styles for the levels of the CLASS=variable. There should be as many lines as there are distinct values of the CLASS=variable.
Axis statement for custom horizontal axis, e.g., HAXIS=AXIS2
Axis statement for custom response axis, e.g., VAXIS=AXIS1. If no axis statement is defined, the program uses AXIS1 LABEL=(a=90).
Legend statement for custom CLASS legend, e.g., LEGEND=LEGEND1


[None yet]

See also

inflogis Influence plot for logistic regression models
powerrxc Power analysis for Chi-sqare tests of independence