Output from cancor.sas

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Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 1

           Univariate Multiple Regression Statistics for Predicting
            the Job characteristics from the Satisfaction measures

                  Squared Multiple Correlations and F Tests
                     7 numerator df    776 denominator df

                        Adjusted   Approx 95% CI for RSQ         F
           R-Squared   R-Squared   Lower CL      Upper CL   Statistic   Pr > F
X1          0.215223    0.208144      0.159         0.261     30.4023   0.0001
X2          0.175542    0.168105      0.123         0.219     23.6035   0.0001
X3          0.187143    0.179811      0.133         0.232     25.5225   0.0001
X4          0.122267    0.114349      0.076         0.161     15.4423   0.0001
X5          0.233349    0.226434      0.176         0.280     33.7422   0.0001

             Average R-Squared:  Unweighted           = 0.186705
                                 Weighted by Variance = 0.186705

Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 2

           Univariate Multiple Regression Statistics for Predicting
            the Satisfaction measures from the Job characteristics

                  Squared Multiple Correlations and F Tests
                     5 numerator df    778 denominator df

                        Adjusted   Approx 95% CI for RSQ         F
           R-Squared   R-Squared   Lower CL      Upper CL   Statistic   Pr > F
Y1          0.177626    0.172341      0.127         0.224     33.6084   0.0001
Y2          0.135711    0.130157      0.089         0.178     24.4324   0.0001
Y3          0.048553    0.042438      0.019         0.076      7.9404   0.0001
Y4          0.079464    0.073548      0.042         0.114     13.4320   0.0001
Y5          0.133724    0.128156      0.088         0.176     24.0194   0.0001
Y6          0.203207    0.198086      0.150         0.251     39.6828   0.0001
Y7          0.082532    0.076636      0.045         0.118     13.9972   0.0001

             Average R-Squared:  Unweighted           = 0.122974
                                 Weighted by Variance = 0.122974

Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 3

                        Canonical Correlation Analysis

                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      0.553706       0.545622     0.024780      0.306591
           2      0.236404       0.214497     0.033740      0.055887
           3      0.119186        .           0.035229      0.014205
           4      0.072228        .           0.035551      0.005217
           5      0.057270        .           0.035620      0.003280
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1       0.4421        0.3830       0.8433        0.8433
            2       0.0592        0.0448       0.1129        0.9562
            3       0.0144        0.0092       0.0275        0.9837
            4       0.0052        0.0020       0.0100        0.9937
            5       0.0033         .           0.0063        1.0000
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.63988477     10.3971          35     3249.94    0.0001
          2    0.92280941      2.6186          24    2697.885    0.0001
          3    0.97743541      1.1828          15    2137.075    0.2776
          4    0.99152030      0.8267           8        1550    0.5790
          5    0.99672015      0.8512           3         776    0.4661

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                            S=5    M=0.5    N=385

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.63988477    10.3971        35   3249.94  0.0001
 Pillai's Trace             0.38517977     9.2528        35      3880  0.0001
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.52428968    11.5404        35      3852  0.0001
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.44214935    49.0154         7       776  0.0001

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.

Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 4

                        Canonical Correlation Analysis

            Raw Canonical Coefficients for the Job characteristics
                        JOB1              JOB2

        X1      0.4217037005      0.3428520819      Feedback
        X2      0.1951059282       -0.66829859      Task Significance
        X3      0.1676125195      -0.853155876      Task Variety
        X4      -0.022889257      0.3560702979      Task Identity
        X5      0.4596557262      0.7287240893      Autonomy

           Raw Canonical Coefficients for the Satisfaction measures
                     SAT1              SAT2

     Y1      0.4251801045      -0.087992909      Supervisor Satisfaction
     Y2      0.2088846933       0.436262871      Career-Future Sat
     Y3      -0.035894963      -0.092909718      Financial Satisfaction
     Y4       0.023525029      0.9260127356      Workload Satisfaction
     Y5      0.2902803477      -0.101101165      Company Satisfaction
     Y6      0.5157248004      -0.554289712      Kind-of-work Sat
     Y7       -0.11014262      -0.031722209      General Satisfaction

       Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the Job characteristics
                        JOB1          JOB2

            X1        0.4217        0.3429      Feedback
            X2        0.1951       -0.6683      Task Significance
            X3        0.1676       -0.8532      Task Variety
            X4       -0.0229        0.3561      Task Identity
            X5        0.4597        0.7287      Autonomy

      Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the Satisfaction measures
                     SAT1          SAT2

         Y1        0.4252       -0.0880      Supervisor Satisfaction
         Y2        0.2089        0.4363      Career-Future Sat
         Y3       -0.0359       -0.0929      Financial Satisfaction
         Y4        0.0235        0.9260      Workload Satisfaction
         Y5        0.2903       -0.1011      Company Satisfaction
         Y6        0.5157       -0.5543      Kind-of-work Sat
         Y7       -0.1101       -0.0317      General Satisfaction

Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 5

                             Canonical Structure

  Correlations Between the Job characteristics and Their Canonical Variables
                        JOB1          JOB2

            X1        0.8293        0.1093      Feedback
            X2        0.7304       -0.4366      Task Significance
            X3        0.7533       -0.4661      Task Variety
            X4        0.6160        0.2225      Task Identity
            X5        0.8606        0.2660      Autonomy

 Correlations Between the Satisfaction measures and Their Canonical Variables
                     SAT1          SAT2

         Y1        0.7564        0.0446      Supervisor Satisfaction
         Y2        0.6439        0.3582      Career-Future Sat
         Y3        0.3872        0.0373      Financial Satisfaction
         Y4        0.3772        0.7919      Workload Satisfaction
         Y5        0.6532        0.1084      Company Satisfaction
         Y6        0.8040       -0.2416      Kind-of-work Sat
         Y7        0.5024        0.1628      General Satisfaction

             Correlations Between the Job characteristics and the
               Canonical Variables of the Satisfaction measures
                        SAT1          SAT2

            X1        0.4592        0.0258      Feedback
            X2        0.4044       -0.1032      Task Significance
            X3        0.4171       -0.1102      Task Variety
            X4        0.3411        0.0526      Task Identity
            X5        0.4765        0.0629      Autonomy

              Correlations Between the Satisfaction measures and
              the Canonical Variables of the Job characteristics
                     JOB1          JOB2

         Y1        0.4188        0.0105      Supervisor Satisfaction
         Y2        0.3565        0.0847      Career-Future Sat
         Y3        0.2144        0.0088      Financial Satisfaction
         Y4        0.2088        0.1872      Workload Satisfaction
         Y5        0.3617        0.0256      Company Satisfaction
         Y6        0.4452       -0.0571      Kind-of-work Sat
         Y7        0.2782        0.0385      General Satisfaction

Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 6

                        Canonical Redundancy Analysis

                   Raw Variance of the Job characteristics
                                 Explained by
                  Their Own                               The Opposite
             Canonical Variables                       Canonical Variables

                        Cumulative     Canonical                  Cumulative
          Proportion    Proportion     R-Squared    Proportion    Proportion
     1        0.5818        0.5818        0.3066        0.1784        0.1784
     2        0.1080        0.6898        0.0559        0.0060        0.1844

                  Raw Variance of the Satisfaction measures
                                 Explained by
                  Their Own                               The Opposite
             Canonical Variables                       Canonical Variables

                        Cumulative     Canonical                  Cumulative
          Proportion    Proportion     R-Squared    Proportion    Proportion
     1        0.3721        0.3721        0.3066        0.1141        0.1141
     2        0.1222        0.4943        0.0559        0.0068        0.1209

               Standardized Variance of the Job characteristics
                                 Explained by
                  Their Own                               The Opposite
             Canonical Variables                       Canonical Variables

                        Cumulative     Canonical                  Cumulative
          Proportion    Proportion     R-Squared    Proportion    Proportion
     1        0.5818        0.5818        0.3066        0.1784        0.1784
     2        0.1080        0.6898        0.0559        0.0060        0.1844

Canonical correlation (CORR matrix input) 7

                        Canonical Redundancy Analysis

              Standardized Variance of the Satisfaction measures
                                 Explained by
                  Their Own                               The Opposite
             Canonical Variables                       Canonical Variables

                        Cumulative     Canonical                  Cumulative
          Proportion    Proportion     R-Squared    Proportion    Proportion
     1        0.3721        0.3721        0.3066        0.1141        0.1141
     2        0.1222        0.4943        0.0559        0.0068        0.1209

      Squared Multiple Correlations Between the Job characteristics and
        the First 'M' Canonical Variables of the Satisfaction measures

            M              1             2
            X1        0.2109        0.2115      Feedback
            X2        0.1635        0.1742      Task Significance
            X3        0.1740        0.1861      Task Variety
            X4        0.1163        0.1191      Task Identity
            X5        0.2271        0.2310      Autonomy

       Squared Multiple Correlations Between the Satisfaction measures
       and the First 'M' Canonical Variables of the Job characteristics

         M              1             2
         Y1        0.1754        0.1755      Supervisor Satisfaction
         Y2        0.1271        0.1343      Career-Future Sat
         Y3        0.0460        0.0461      Financial Satisfaction
         Y4        0.0436        0.0787      Workload Satisfaction
         Y5        0.1308        0.1315      Company Satisfaction
         Y6        0.1982        0.2014      Kind-of-work Sat
         Y7        0.0774        0.0789      General Satisfaction