Output from alzhplt.sas

2 Graphs

Memory Tests on Alzheimer and Depressed Patients 1

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis
                  45 Observations        44 DF Total
                   4 Variables           42 DF Within Classes
                   3 Classes              2 DF Between Classes

                           Class Level Information

             GROUP         Frequency        Weight     Proportion
             Alzheimer            15       15.0000       0.333333
             Depressed            14       14.0000       0.311111
             Normal               16       16.0000       0.355556

Memory Tests on Alzheimer and Depressed Patients 2

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                            S=2    M=0.5    N=18.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.22368364    10.8652         8        78  0.0001
 Pillai's Trace             0.81722391     6.9094         8        80  0.0001
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     3.28771831    15.6167         8        76  0.0001
 Roy's Greatest Root        3.23111831    32.3112         4        40  0.0001

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
                NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.

Memory Tests on Alzheimer and Depressed Patients 3

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis

                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      0.873874       0.863818     0.035630      0.763656
           2      0.231448       0.142658     0.142680      0.053568
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1       3.2311        3.1745       0.9828        0.9828
            2       0.0566         .           0.0172        1.0000
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.22368364     10.8652           8          78    0.0001
          2    0.94643195      0.7547           3          40    0.5262

Memory Tests on Alzheimer and Depressed Patients 4

         OBS    _NAME_     _LABEL_                 CAN1       CAN2
          1     GROUP                             .           .
          2     TRECALL    Total recall          0.93281    -0.10247
          3     TUNREM     Unreminded Memory     0.98109    -0.16529
          4     STORE      Storage               0.90988     0.07400
          5     RECOG      Recognition Memory    0.84112     0.53222


Graphic output from alzhplt.sas

canplot of alzheim
[CANPLOT 09/27/99 ]
[ CONTOUR 09/27/99 ]