Output from oralpowr.sas

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Two-Sample Multivariate Power Analysis 1 Effects of delay on oral practice

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                           Class Level Information

                       Class    Levels    Values
                       GROUP         2    CONTROL EXPTL

                   Number of observations in data set = 56

Two-Sample Multivariate Power Analysis 2 Effects of delay on oral practice

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

Characteristic   Percent                Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                        LISTEN          SPEAK           READ
    0.09359611    100.00           -0.01507234     0.01277523     0.00018906

    0.00000000      0.00           -0.00519746    -0.01047580     0.03871814

    0.00000000      0.00            0.03276907    -0.00575998     0.00491921

    0.00000000      0.00            0.00930228    -0.01841409    -0.02555550

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                  the Hypothesis of no Overall GROUP Effect
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                             S=1    M=1    N=24.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.91441437     1.1934         4        51  0.3250
 Pillai's Trace             0.08558563     1.1934         4        51  0.3250
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.09359611     1.1934         4        51  0.3250
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.09359611     1.1934         4        51  0.3250

Two-Sample Multivariate Power Analysis 3 Effects of delay on oral practice

                                      EFFECT          ALPHA
                   Power analysis for GROUP SS3        0.05

                  ROOTS     THETA         S         M         N
              0.0935961 0.0855856         1         1      24.5
                      0         0
                      0         0
                      0         0

                   Value        F    df1   df2     Eta##2 Non-Cent.     Power

Wilks' Lambda      0.914    1.193      4    51     0.0856    1.1934     0.111
Pillai's Trace     0.086    1.193      4    51     0.0856    1.1934     0.111
Lawley Trace       0.094    1.193      4    51     0.0856    1.1934     0.111
Roy's max. Root    0.094    1.193      4    51     0.0856    1.1934     0.111