Multidimensional Scaling Bibliography
Michael Friendly
Psychology 6140
- Arabie, P., Carroll, J. D., & DeSarbo, W. S.
(1987). Three-way scaling and clustering.
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
- Bock, R. D., & Jones, L. V.
(1968). Measurement and prediction of judgment
and choice. San Francisco, CA: Holden-Day.
[A modern, statistical treatment of methods of
unidimensional scaling.]
- Borg and Groenen (1997). Modern Multidimensional Scaling - Theory and Applications
- Davidson, M. L. (1983).
Multidimensional scaling. New York: Wiley.
- Everitt, B. E. (1980).
Cluster analysis. London: Heineman Educational
[An excellent non-technical introduction to
cluster analysis.]
- Gnanadesikan, R. (1977).
Statistical data analysis of multivariate
observations. New York: Wiley.
[Covers many of the standard multivariate
techniques, plus good brief presentations on MDS,
clustering, and graphical methods for multidimensional
- Green, P. E., & Carmone, F. J. (1970).
Multidimensional scaling and related techniques in
marketing analysis. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
- Green, P. E., Carmone, F. J., & Smith, S. M.
(1989). Multidimensional scaling: concepts and
applications. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
[A "revision" of the 1970 book which
includes reprints of articles on various marketing
applications of MDS and related techniques. The book
includes a disk of IBM/PC programs and sample data files.]
- Jain, A. K. and Dubey, R. C. (1988)
Algorithms for Clustering Data,
Prentice Hall.
QA 278 J34 1988
- Kruskal, J. B., and Wish, M.
(1978). Multidimensional scaling. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage University Series.
- Romney, A. K., Shepard, R. N.,
and Nerlove, S. B. (Eds.) (1972).
Multidimensional scaling: Theory and applications in the
behavioral sciences (Volume II: Applications). New
York: Seminar Press.
- Shepard, R. N. (1974). Representation
of structure in similarity data: Problems and prospects.
Psychometrika, 39, 373-421.
- Shepard, R. N. (1966).
Metric structures in ordinal data. Journal of
Mathematical Psychology, 3, 287-315.
- Shepard, R. N., Romney, K., and
Nerlove, S. B. (Eds.) (1972). Multidimensional
scaling: Theory and applications in the behavioral sciences
(Volume I: Theory). New York: Seminar Press.
[An excellent overview of 'recent' developments
in MDS.]
- Schiffman, S. M., Reynolds,
L., and Young, F. W. (1981). Introduction to
multidimensional scaling. New York: Academic Press.
[An introductory level book relevant to
researchers and teachers in psychology, marketing, and other
social science fields. Presents analyses of several sets of
data using ALSCAL and other MDS programs. Good treatment of
statistical methods for interpreting MDS solutions.]
- Spence, I. (1978). Multidimensional
scaling. In P. W. Colgan (Ed.), Quantitative
ethology (pp. 175-217). New York: Wiley.
- Torgerson, W. S. (1958).
Theory and methods of scaling. New York: John
[The classic book on Thurstonian methods of
unidimensional scaling.]
- Young, F. W. & Hamer, R. M.
(1987). Multidimensional scaling: History,
theory, and applications. Hillsdsle, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum Assoc.
[Part I, written by Young, is a readable
summary of the history and theory of modern MDS methodology.
Part II contains a collection of 7 chapters by various
authors illustrating the application of MDS in a variety of
social science areas.]
Other references
- Cluster Analysis
A discussion of cluster analysis adapted from the
SAS/STAT User's Guide, with many references.
- FranÛois-Joseph Lapointe and Pierre Legendre,
"A Classification of Pure Malt Scotch Whiskies" ,
Appl. Statist. (1994) 43, No. 1, 237-257
A cluster analysis was carried out on various characteristics
of pure malt whiskies.
Hypotheses were tested using a permutation test due to Mantel.
ALSCAL is distributed by Forrest Young as a FORTRAN program, and is also
distributed as part of the SPSS system. The SAS ALSCAL procedure has been superseded by the SAS MDS procedure available from SAS Institute, Inc.
© 1995 Michael Friendly
Michael Friendly
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