SCS Short Courses

SCS offers non-credit short courses three times a year on the use of statistical software (including SAS, SPSS, and R/Splus), and on a variety of topics related to statistical analysis. In the Spring session, additional courses related to sample and questionnaire design, survey research and other topics are offered by the Institute for Social Research.

Current Courses

2004-05 Fall 2004 Winter 2005 Spring 2005

Past Courses

2003-04 Fall 2003 Winter 2004 Spring 2004
2002-03 Fall 2002 Winter 2003 Spring 2003
2001-02 Fall 2001 Winter 2002 Spring 2002
2000-01 Fall 2000 Winter 2001 Spring 2001
1999-00 Fall 1999 Winter 2000 Spring 2000
1998-99 Fall 1998 Winter 1999 Spring 1999
1997-98 Fall 1997 Winter 1998 Spring 1998
1996-97 Fall 1996 Winter 1997 Spring 1997
1995-96 Fall 1995 Winter 1996 Spring 1996
1994-95 Fall 1994 Winter 1995 Spring 1995