meanplot Plot means for factorial designs meanplot

SAS Macro Programs: meanplot

$Version: 1.5 (17 Mar 2003)
Michael Friendly
York University

The meanplot macro ( [download] get

Plot means for factorial designs

The meanplot macro produces 1-way, 2-way, or 3-way plots of means for a factorial design with any number of factor variables. One-way plots show main effect means (and optional standard error bars) for each level of the factor variable. Two-way plots show the means for two factors as a set of curves for one variable, plotted against the other variable. Three-way means are displayed as a collection of two-way panels, optionally including one additional panel showing the means collapsed over the panel variable. By default both lineprinter (PROC PLOT) plots and high-res (PROC GPLOT) plots are drawn.

For a 3-factor design, if the factors are A, B, C, the macro, by default, uses variable A as the horizontal(XVAR =) variable in the plots, plots separate curves for each value of variable B, and produces separate panels for each level of variable C, as well as one additional panel for the average of means over variable C. You can obtain different views of the means by reordering the CLASS= variables, or assigning variables to particular roles with the XVAR=, CVAR=, and PANELS= arguments.

Version 1.3 provides an ADJUST= parameter to give true confidence-interval error bars, possibly adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni or Tukey studentized range procedures. The error bar lengths are calculated as one-half the width of the confidence interval for the difference between two means in a given effect. Therefore, the error bars for two means in a given effect will overlap iff those means do not differ at the specified ALPHA= value. When sample sizes are unequal for any effect, the macro uses the geometric mean of the sample sizes for that effect as a common value in the calculation of the adjusted error bar lengths. The Tukey adjustment uses the PROBMC function, and works only in SAS Version 6.09 or later.


The meanplot macro uses PROC SUMMARY to calculate the means and standard errors for all 1-way, 2-way, and 3-way margins of response variable in the data (up to the number of CLASS= variables specified.) If an ADJUST= method is specified, the macro uses PROC GLM to determine the MSE and DFE in the full (up to) 3-way model.


MEANPLOT is a macro program. To plot the means for a factorial design, specify the name of the RESPONSE= variable, and the CLASS= factor variables. All other options have default values.

The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas. For example:

   %meanplot(data=recall, response=score, class=Group Gender Order);
To combine the panels in a single plot, use the %panels macro:
   %panels(rows=1, cols=4);
If you are only interested in the combined plot, you may suppress the display of the individual panels using GOPTIONS NODISPLAY (or equivalent, depending on your output device) before calling meanplot and GOPTIONS DISPLAY before calling panels.
   goptions nodisplay;
   %meanplot(data=recall, response=score, class=Group Gender Order);
   goptions display;
   %panels(rows=1, cols=4);


The name of the SAS dataset to be plotted. If DATA= is not specified, the most recently created data set is used.
Name of the response (dependent) variable in the input data set. Must be numeric.
The names of 1-3 factor variables, separated by spaces.
An optional frequency variable. Each observation is treated as if it were repeated as many times as the value of the FREQ= variable. Observations with a FREQ= value less than or equal to 1 are omitted from the calculation. Fractional values are not allowed.

You must specify the FREQ= variable when input comes from summary data (means, standard deviations) processed by the %stat2dat macro.

Name of the factor variable to be used as the horizontal variable in plots. If XVAR= is not specified, the first CLASS= variable is used.
Name of the factor variable to be used as the curve variable in plots. If CVAR= is not specified, the second CLASS= variable is used in 2-way and 3-way plots.
Name of the factor variable to be used to define multiple panels in plots. If PANELS= is not specified, the third CLASS= variable is used in 3-way plots.
Format for the PANELS= variable. The default is BEST. if the panels variable is numeric, and $16. otherwise.
Specifies whether an additional curve, representing the average over the levels of the CVAR= variable, is added to each panel.
Std. error multiple for confidence intervals or error bars drawn in the GPLOT versions of the plots. The default, Z=1 shows one standard error for each mean plotted. Use Z=1.96 for approximate individual 95% CI, or Z=0 for plots without error bars. The Z= parameter is ignored if you specify an ADJUST= method.
Specifies whether to calculate confidence-interval error bars, and whether these are adjusted for multiple comparisons. In this case, error bars will overlap iff a given pair of means do not differ significantly. ADJUST=T or LSD provide standard t-value error bars, unadjusted for multiple comparisons; ADJUST=BON provides Bonferroni adjusted error bars for all pairwise comparisons; ADJUST=TUKEY or HSD provides Tukey-test (studentized range) adjustments for all pairwise comparisons..
Specifies the error rate for comparisons made with the ADJUST= option.
Specifies whether line printer plots are to be done. Default: NO
Specifies whether high-res plots are to be done. Default: YES
Specifies whether to print the means. Default: YES

Additional options for high-res PROC GPLOT plots

Name of an additional input Annotate data set. If specified, this is appended to the Annotate data set used to draw error bars in the plot.
List of SAS/GRAPH symbols for the levels of the CVAR=variable. There should be as many symbols as there are distinct values of the CVAR=variable.
List of SAS/GRAPH colors (for the GPLOT version) for the levels of the CVAR=variable. There should be as many colors as there are distinct values of the CVAR=variable.
List of SAS/GRAPH line styles (for the GPLOT version) for the levels of the CVAR=variable. There should be as many lines as there are distinct values of the CVAR=variable.
Axis statement for custom horizontal axis, e.g., HAXIS=AXIS2
Axis statement for custom response axis, e.g., VAXIS=AXIS1. If no axis statement is defined, the program uses AXIS1 LABEL=(a=90).

Error bar calculations may cause some annotations to outside the vertical plot range, producing the message: DATA SYSTEM REQUESTED, BUT VALUE IS NOT IN GRAPH 'Y' To correct this, specify the ORDER= option in an AXIS statement to extend the range of the Y axis suitably, for example: AXIS1 LABEL=(a=90) ORDER=(0 to 30 by 5).

Legend statement for custom CVAR legend, e.g., LEGEND=LEGEND1 If no legend is specified, the program uses LEGEND1 POSITION=(BOTTOM CENTER INSIDE) OFFSET=(0,1) MODE=SHARE FRAME;
Specifies the location for panel labels identifying the level of the PANEL= variable. Specify two numbers giving the screen coordinates in percent of the left edge of the panel label. The default is PLOC=5 95.
Name of output graphics catalog.



The following example reads means for a 3-way design and uses the stat2dat macro to create an equivalent raw data set having the same means and within group standard deviations.
data learning;
   do grade = 5,12;
   do words = 'low ', 'high';
   do feedback = 'Control', 'Pos', 'Neg';
      input mean @@;
      end; end; end;
8.8 8.0 7.6
8.0 4.4 3.8
9.0 8.4 8.0
7.8 7.4 7.2

%stat2dat(data=learning, class=grade words feedback,
   out=raw, mean=mean, n=5, MSE=1.75, depvar=recall);
The means and standard errors are plotted by the call to meanplot below, with Grade as the panel variable. Three plots are produced: one for the average response over grade [Grade (mean)], and one for each grade separately.

The three panels are combined using the %panels macro.

%include goptions;
goptions htext=1.8 htitle=2.3;
   response=recall, class=Feedback Words Grade, cmean=NO, ploc=45 95);
%panels(rows=1, cols=3, equate=Y);

See also

boxplot Box-and-whisker plots
panels Display a set of plots in rectangular panels
stat2dat Convert summary dataset to raw data equivalent