SAS Macro Programs: powerrxc
$Version: 1.0 (19 Dec 1999)
Michael Friendly
York University
Power analysis for Chi-sqare tests of independence
The powerrxc macro computes approximate power for Pearson and Likelihood Ratio
Chi-square tests of independence in PROC FREQ.
The powerrxc macro was written by SAS Institute.
It requires Version 6.10 or later of SAS.
The macro uses PROC FREQ to calculate the values of Pearson and
Likelihood Ratio Chi-squares for the given data.
These values are then used to calculate the non-centrality
value of the Chi-square distribution, and power is calculated
power = 1 - probchi(cinv(1-alpha,df), df, noncent);
powerrxc is a macro program. Values must be supplied for
the ROW= and COL= arguments.
The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated
by commas. For example:
%powerrxc(data=inputdataset, row=age, col=improved, ..., )
Default values are shown after the name of each parameter.
- Specifies the SAS data set to be analyzed. If the
DATA= option is not supplied, the most recently
created SAS data set is used.
- ROW=
- REQUIRED. Specifies the variable defining the rows
of the table.
- COL=
- REQUIRED. Specifies the variable defining the
columns of the table.
- Specifies a variable containing the cell counts of
the table. Omit this option if each observation in
the DATA= data set represents only a single entry in
the table. This variable, if specified, is used on
the WEIGHT statement in PROC FREQ.
- Specifies the significance level of the test.
- NRANGE= Specifies the sample size or list of sample sizes for
which approximate power is to be computed. If
omitted, the actual sample size is used. You may
specify a list of values separated by commas, a range
of the form x TO y BY z, or a combination of these.
However, you must surround the NRANGE= value with
%STR() if any commas appear in it. For example,
nrange=20 to 200 by 20
nrange=%str(10, 20, 50 to 100 by 10)
- FREQOPT= Specifies options for PROC FREQ. Default=NOROW NOCOL
- OUT= Specifies the name of the output dataset.
The FREQ procedure prints the table and related chi-square
statistics. Following this, the macro prints the approximate power
of the Pearson chi-square test and the Likelihood Ratio chi-square
test for range of sample sizes requested. For example:
Approximate Power of Chi-square Tests for Independence
Test Level=.05
Power of Power
Pearson of L.R.
N Chi-square Chi-square
20 0.06570 0.06735
30 0.07393 0.07650
40 0.08241 0.08592
50 0.09111 0.09562
60 0.10003 0.10558
70 0.10916 0.11577
80 0.11847 0.12619
90 0.12797 0.13681
100 0.13763 0.14762
From Example 3 in the FREQ procedure chapter. Note that each
observation is a cell count instead of a single entry, so a count
variable (FREQ) is created to hold the cell counts. The observed
sample size is used for computing approximate power.
%include macros(powerrxc); *-- or include in an autocall library;
data a;
do row=1 to 2; do col=0,1;
input freq @@; output;
end; end; cards;
3 11
6 2
%powerRxC(row=row, col=col, count=freq)
Example from Agresti (1990) pp 241-243. Column 1 probabilities for
each row are hypothesized to be .63 and .57. Row sample sizes are
to be equal, so the marginal row probabilities are both 0.5.
The cell probabilities (e.g., .315 = .63 * .5) are entered as
the value of the COUNT= variable.
data c;
do row=1 to 2; do col=0,1;
input freq @@;
end; end;
.315 .185
.285 .215
%powerRxC(data=c, row=row, col=col, count=freq,
nrange=%str(20,50 to 200 by 50))
See also
csmpower Power estimation for
Covariance Structure Models
fpower Power computations for ANOVA
mpower Retrospective power analysis
for multivariate GLMs
power Power calculations for general
linear models
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