table Construct a grouped frequency table, with recoding table

Visualizing Categorical Data: table

$Version: 1.1 (17 Nov 2000)
Michael Friendly
York University

The table macro ( [download] get

Construct a grouped frequency table, with recoding

The TABLE macro constructs a grouped frequency table suitable for input to the MOSAIC or MOSMAT macros. The input data may be individual observations, or a contingency table, which may be collapsed to fewer variables. Factor variables may be converted to character using user-supplied formats.


The TABLE macro takes 7 keyword arguments. The VAR= parameter is required.


The name of the input dataset. [Default: DATA=_LAST_]
Names of all factor (classification) variables to be included in the output dataset. The observations are summed over any other factors, weighted by the WEIGHT= variable, if any.
If non-blank, forces the VAR= variables to be converted to character variables (using formatted values) in the output dataset. If CHAR= a numeric value (e.g., CHAR=8), it specifies the length of each character variable; otherwise, the character variables default to length 16.
Name of a frequency variable, if the input dataset is already in frequency form. If not specified, each observation is assumed to be one case.
Specifies the order of the variable levels used in the PROC FREQ step. ORDER=INTERNAL|FREQ|DATA| FORMATTED are valid option values.
A list of variable(s), format pairs (suitable for a FORMAT statement). The FORMAT= option may be used to recode the values of any of the VAR= variables.
The name of output dataset. The variables in the output dataset are the VAR= variables, plus COUNT, the frequency variable for each cell. [Default: OUT=TABLE]


None of the factor variables may be named COUNT.


This example reads a three-way frequency table (gender x admit x dept), where admit and dept are numeric variables, and collapses it to a two-way table, with Gender and Admit as character variables.

  %include vcd(table);        *-- or include in an autocall library;
  %include vcd(mosaic);
  %include data(berkeley);

  %table(data=berkeley, var=gender admit, weight=freq, char=Y,
         format=admit admit. gender $sex., order=data, out=berk2);
  %mosaic(data=berk2, var=Gender Admit);

The formats admit. and $sex. are created with PROC FORMAT:

  proc format;
     value admit 1='Admitted' 0='Rejected';
     value $sex  'M'='Male'   'F'='Female';

See also

lags Macro for lag sequential analysis
mosaic Macro interface for mosaic displays
mosmat Macro interface for mosaic matrices
sort Generalized dataset sorting by format or statistic

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