panels Display a set of plots in rectangular panels panels

SAS Macro Programs: panels

$Version: 1.7 (15 Dec 2003)
Michael Friendly
York University

The panels macro ( [download] get

This document has been superceded by that in the Visualizing Categorical Data collection for the panels macro.

Display a set of plots in rectangular panels

The panels macro constructs a template in which to replay a series of panels, assumed all the same size, in a rectangular array of R rows and C columns. The panels are displayed left-to-right across rows, starting either from the top (order=DOWN) or bottom (order=UP). If the number of rows and columns are unequal, the aspect ratio of individual panels can be maintained by setting equate=Y. It is assumed that all the plots have already been created, and stored in a graphics catalog (the default, WORK.GSEG is used automatically by SAS/GRAPH procedures).



Create the graphs using any SAS program steps, macro calls, etc. As they are created they are automatically stored in a SAS/GRAPH graphics catalog.

Then, invoke the panels macro:

      rows= number of rows of plots, 
      cols= number of columns of plots, 
      plots= total number of plots to be displayed, 
      top= percent of display for top panel,
      order= order for rows of the display (UP or DOWN), 
      replay= List of plots to replay, 
      equate= Adjust sizes to maintain aspect ratio? (Y or N), 
      first= number of first catalog entry to use
      last= number of last catalog entry to use
      template= name of template created, 
      tc= name of template catalog, 
      gin= name of graphics catalog containing plots,
      gout= name of output graphics catalog containing resulting panels
The ROWS= and COLS= arguments are required, and specify the size of the array of plots to be displayed. These are the only required arguments. The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas. For example:
   %panels(rows=2, cols=2, equate=Y) 
If there are fewer than &ROWS*&COLS plots, specify the number of plots as the PLOTS= argument. Optionally, there can be an additional plot, which is displayed (as a GSLIDE title, for example) in the top nn% of the display, as specified by the TOP= argument.


number of rows of plots,
number of columns of plots,
Total number of plots to be displayed. If there are fewer than &ROWS*&COLS plots, specify the number as the PLOTS= argument. Optionally, there can be an additional plot, which is displayed (as a GSLIDE title, for example) in the top nn% of the display, as specified by the TOP= argument.
Percent of display for top panel.
Order for rows of the display (UP or DOWN). The ORDER= argument specifies the order of the panels in the display. ORDER=UP means that the panels in the bottom row are numbered 1, 2, ..., &COLs. ORDER=DOWN means that the panels in the top row are numbered 1, 2, ..., &COLs.
List of plots to replay. The REPLAY= argument specifies the list of plots to be replayed in the constructed template, in one of the forms used with the PROC GREPLAY REPLAY statement, for example, REPLAY=1:1 2:3 3:2 4:4 or REPLAY=1:plot1 2:plot3 3:plot2 4:plot4
Adjust sizes to maintain aspect ratio? (Y or N). Use EQUATE=Y when the number of rows and columns differ to keep the panels from being deformed.
Number of first catalog entry to use By default, the REPLAY= argument is constructed to replay plot i in panel i. If the REPLAY= argument is not specified, you can override this default assignment by specifying FIRST= the sequential number of the first graph in the graphics catalog to plot (default: first=1), where:
Number of the last catalog entry to use (default:0), where:
Name of template created,
Name of template catalog,
Name of graphics catalog containing plots (default: WORG.GSEG)
Name of output graphics catalog containing resulting panels


In the example of the meanplot macro, 3 plots are produced for mean recall by grade.
	response=recall, class=Feedback Words Grade, cmean=NO, ploc=45 95);
The three panels are combined using the panels macro, giving the plot below.
%panels(rows=1, cols=3, equate=Y);

See also

meanplot Plot means for factorial designs
scatmat Scatterplot matrix