points Create an Annotate dataset to draw points in a plot points

Visualizing Categorical Data: points

$Version: 1.1 (18 Nov 1998)
Michael Friendly
York University

The points macro ( [download] get points.sas)

Create an Annotate dataset to draw points in a plot

The points macro creates an annotate data set to draw point symbols in a 2D or 3D scatterplot. This is useful when you need to plot two variables (e.g, observed, predicted) against a common X, with separate curves for the levels of a class variable. In PROC GPLOT, for example, you cannot do

   proc gplot;
      plot (obs fit) * X = group;

However, you can add the OBS points to a plot of fit*X:

  %points(x=X, y=obs);
   proc gplot;
      plot fit * X = group / anno=_pts_;


The POINTS macro is called with keyword parameters. The X= and Y= parameters are required. For a plot with PROC G3D, you must also give the Z= variable. The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas.


The name of the input data set [Default: DATA=_LAST_]
The name of the X variable for the scatterplot
The name of the Y variable for the scatterplot
The name of the Z variable for a 3D scatterplot
The name(s) of any BY variable(s) to be used for multiple plots.
The name of a class variable, to be used with PROC GPLOT in the PLOT statement for multiple curves, in the form

        plot Y * X = CLASS;
Specifies the Annotate XSYS & YSYS value [Default: SYS=2]
Point color(s): the name of a dataset character variable, or an expression which evaluates to a SAS/GRAPH color, or string constant enclosed in quotes. [Default: COLOR='BLACK']
Point symbol(s): the name of a dataset character variable, or an expression which evaluates to a SAS/GRAPH color, or string constant enclosed in quotes. [Default: SYMBOL='DOT']
The size of the symbol (in GUNIT units). If not specified, the global graphics option HTEXT value is used.
Font for symbol(s): the name of a dataset character variable, or an expression which evaluates to a SAS/GRAPH color, or string constant enclosed in quotes. Use for special symbols, e.g., FONT='MARKER'. If not specified, the standard symbol font is used.
An expression (which may involve any dataset variables) to select points. A point will be plotted if the expression evaluates to non-zero for the current observation. [Default: SUBSET=1]
The names of any variables to be copied to output dataset
The name of an optional input annotate data set. If specified, the IN= data set is concatenated with the OUT= data set.
Name of the annotate data set produced. [Default: OUT=_PTS_]

See also

bars Create an annotate data set to draw error bars
label Create an Annotate dataset to label observations
points Create an Annotate dataset to draw points in a plot
pscale Construct annotations for a probability scale

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