This term we will be using eClass for class discussion. The system is designed to make it easier to communicate with your classmates, the TA, and myself. Rather than emailing questions to a listserv or to us individually, I encourage you to post your questions on eClass.
Students in the course are automatically subscribed. The link is:
This course is designed as a lecture/seminar dealing with data visualization from a largely psychological and historical perspective.
Information visualization is the pictorial representation of data.
This course will examine a variety of issues related to data visualization from a largely psychological perspective, but will also touch upon other related communities of research and practice related to this topic:
We will consider visualization methods for a wide range of types of data from the points of view of both the viewer and designer/producer of graphic displays.
Grades will be based on the following components:
Discussion leader (20%) Each session, 1-2 of you will lead a brief discussion on one of the readings, sub-topics or an application related to the topic. (~ 5 min.).
Class presentation (40%) In the last week, each person will give a ~ 20 min presentation on a topic of research, application, or software related to data visualization. The topic is not restricted to things covered in the lectures. You’ll find a few random suggested topics on the resources page You are permitted to do this work with one other person.
Research proposal (40%) Prepare a brief research proposal (~ 5-6 pages) on a data visualization topic. This can an empirical study of some aspect of data visualization, an historical review, or a proposal for development or implementation of a graphical method. You are permitted to do this work with one other person. This will be due on Friday, June 25, the week following the last class.
Copyright © 2018 Michael Friendly. All rights reserved.
friendly AT yorku DOT ca