heplot | Plot Hypothesis and Error matrices for one MLM effect | heplot |
Typically, you perform a MANOVA analysis with PROC GLM, and save
the output statistics, including the H and E matrices, using the
option. This must be supplied to the macro
as the value of the STAT=
parameter. If you also supply the raw data for the analysis via the
parameter, the means for
the levels of the EFFECT=
parameter are also shown on the plot.
Various kinds of plots are possible, determined by the M1= and M2= parameters. The default is M1=H and M2=E. If you specify M2=I (identity matrix), then the H and E matrices are transformed to H* = eHe (where e=E^-1/2), and E*=eEe=I, so the errors become uncorrelated, and the size of H* can be judged more simply in relation to a circular E*=I. For multi-factor designs, is it sometimes useful to specify M1=H+E, so that each factor can be examined in relation to the within-cell variation.
The HEPLOT macro is defined with keyword parameters. The STATS=
parameter and either the VAR=
or the X=
and Y=
parameters are required.
The arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated
by commas. For example:
proc glm data=dataset outstat=stats; model y1 y2 = A B A*B / ss3; manova; %heplot(data=dataset, stat=stats, var=y1 y2, effect=A ); %heplot(data=dataset, stat=stats, var=y1 y2, effect=A*B );
dataset from proc glm containing the
SSCP matrices for model effects and ERROR, as indicated by
the _SOURCE_ variable.
and Y=
separately, you can specify the names of two response
variables with the VAR=
dataset. This must be one of
the values of the _SOURCE_ variable contained in the STAT=
dataset. The possibilities
are SS1-SS4, or CONTRAST
(but the SSn option on the MODEL statement in
PROC GLM will limit the types of SSCP matrices produced).
This is the value of the _TYPE_ variable in the STAT=
[Default: SS=SS3
and DATA=
to add canonical vectors to the plot. The
PROC GLM step must have included the option CANONICAL on the
MANOVA statement.
SCALE=dfe/dfh 1
. Equivalently, the E matrix can
be shrunk by the same factor by specifying SCALE=1 dfh/dfe
LINES=1 21
%include macros(heplot); *-- or include in an autocall library; %include data(iris); title; proc glm data=iris outstat=stats noprint; class species; model SepalLen sepalwid PetalLen petalwid = species / nouni ss3; manova h=species; run;Produce two HE plots: one of H and E, and the other of (H+E) and E, for the effect of species. The VAXIS=AXIS1 parameter ensures that both plots have the same vertical axis scaling.
%gdispla(OFF); axis1 label=(a=90) order=(40 to 80 by 10); legend1 position=(bottom center inside) offset=(0,1) mode=share frame; %heplot(data=iris,stat=stats, var=Petallen SepalLen, effect=species, vaxis=axis1, legend=legend1, hsym=1.6); %heplot(data=iris,stat=stats, var=PetalLen SepalLen, effect=species, vaxis=axis1,m1=H+E, legend=legend1, hsym=1.6); %gdispla(ON); %panels(rows=1, cols=2);
*-- use canplot for side effect of getting Can scores and annotate dataset; %canplot( data=iris, class=species, var=SepalLen SepalWid PetalLen PetalWid, plot=NO, scale=3.5); *-- remove species circles and means from annotate data set; data _danno_; set _danno_; where comment not in ('MEAN', 'CIRCLE'); run; *-- Get H and E matrices for canonical scores; proc glm data=_dscore_ outstat=stats; class species; model can1 can2 = species / nouni ss3; manova h=species; run; axis1 length=2.6 IN order=(-4 to 4 by 2) label=(a=90); axis2 length=6.5 IN order=(-10 to 10 by 2); legend1 position=(bottom center inside) offset=(0,1) mode=share frame; %heplot(data=_dscore_, stat=stats, x=Can1, y=Can2 ,effect=species ,haxis=axis2, vaxis=axis1, legend=none, hsym=1.6 ,anno=_danno_ );It may be seen that the species mean-variation is essentially one-dimensional.