Mosaics Psychology 6136: Categorical Data Analysis Mosaics

This is the OLD website for psy6136. It is no longer maintained and exists only for historical reasons. Please go to for the current course.

Text books and readings

Discrete Data Analysis with R

Main texts

The main texts for this course are:

Supplementary readings:

Topic schedule and lecture notes

Week Topic Readings RR files knitR
1 Overview [slides] [4up]
[Working with R Studio] [4up]
DDAR: Ch1, Ch2; Agresti: Ch1 R-into.R [knitR]
2 Discrete distributions [slides] [4up] DDAR: Ch3 R-data.R [knitR]
binomial.R [knitR]
3 Two-Way Tables: Independence and Association [slides] [4up] DDAR: Ch4; Agresti: Ch2 berk-4fold.R [knitR]
vision-sieve.R [knitR]
4 Two-Way Tables: Ordinal Data and Dependent Samples
[Tutorial] on two-way tables
DDAR: Ch4; Agresti: Ch2 msdiag-agree.R [knitR]
haireye-spineplot.R [knitR]
5 Loglinear Models and Mosaic Displays [slides] [4up]
[Tutorial] on loglin models; [Mosaic display animation]
DDAR: Ch5; Agresti: 2.7, Ch. 7 berkeley-glm.R [knitR]
titanic-loglin.R [knitR]
6 Correspondence Analysis [slides] [4up] DDAR: Ch6 mental-ca.R [knitR]
mca-presex3.R [knitR]
7 Logistic Regression I [slides] [4up]
[Logistic regression tutorial]
DDAR: 7.1-7.3; Agresti: 3.1-3.2; Ch 4 arthritis-logistic.R [knitR]
cowles-logistic.R [knitR]
Arrests-logistic.R [knitR]
8 Logistic Regression II [slides] [4up] DDAR: 7.3-7.4; Agresti: Ch 4-5 cowles-effect.R [knitR]
Arrests-effects.R [knitR]
berkeley-diag.R [knitR]
9 Multinomial Logistic Regression [slides] [4up] DDAR: 7.5-7.6; Agresti: Ch 6 arthritis-propodds.R [knitR]
wlf-nested.R [knitR]
wlf-glogit.R [knitR]
10 Log-Linear Models I [slides] [4up] DDAR: 8.1-8.4; Agresti: Ch 7
11 Log-Linear Models II [slides] [4up] DDAR: 8.5-8.11; Agresti: Ch 8
12 Generalized Linear Models: Count Data[slides] [4up]
[Count data GLMs tutorial]
DDAR: 9.1-9.4; Agresti 3.3-3.5 phdpubs.R [knitR]
quine.R [knitR]
13 Generalized Linear Models: Further topics DDAR: 9.5-9.7


There will be occasional short assignments posted here and announced in class. These assignments are ungraded, unless a graded assignment is announced in advance. Details regarding a useful way of formatting R exercises are described in Assignment 1. See Compiling Notebooks, which describes how to compile HTML, PDF, or MS Word notebooks from R scripts for further details.

Please submit your assignments to me by email, as a PDF, Word, or HTML attachment (together with the associated R file), with a Subject: line "PSYC 6136: Assignment XX". To help me keep them straight, it would be most convenient to name them something like "YourName-AssignXX.{pdf,docx,html}".


There are three components to your evaluation in the course: two take-home projects (each worth 40%) that will involve analysis of one or more data sets together with a research report describing the background, your analyses, results and conclusions. For these, you can use any software you like, although R is strongly encouraged.

Here is a template for a markdown .Rmd file you can use if you are working in RStudio and want to write in R markdown.

  1. Project 1 : a selection of data sets for the material up to and including logistic regression. Due date: Nov. 3

  2. Project 2: a selection of data sets for the material from logistic regression to the end of the course. Due date: Dec. 15

  3. The remaining 20% can be earned either as
    1. an assignment portfolio, containing a selection of your best work (possibly edited/enhanced) on a selection of assignment questions, or by
    2. reading and discussing a journal article related to theory or application of categorical data analysis. For the latter, you can volunteer to give a brief (~15 min) presentation to the class (sometime in Nov.) to earn bonus marks. Due date: Dec. 29


Statistical software

In lectures and lab sessions I will be using R software nearly exclusively, together with the R Studio user interface for R. You are well-advised to download and install these to your computer so you can follow along.
  • R software guides

    © 2014-- Michael Friendly
    Canonical URL for this course is: